The application is temporarily not working correctly. Operation will resume within 3 days.- Who is this project for?For all Orthodox Christians, regardless of their church experience.- What is its essence?A. The prayer rule is not limited to morning and evening prayers, but sanctifies the entire day. (To begin with, you can not change your usual prayer schedule, using Matins instead of the morning rule, and Vespers with Compline instead of the evening rule.)b. Prayers correspond not only to a certain time of day, but also to the days of the week, holidays and fasts.- Can a person who does not understand church services use your Book of Hours?The parish book without a priest and the home Book of Hours are compiled in such a way that anyone can use them without special training.- How long will you need to pray?It depends on the Book of Hours you choose. Prayer according to a short home Book of Hours during the day will take less time than the currently accepted morning and evening rules.